Hi! I’m Emily. It’s lovely to meet you.
So who am I? Inhale… I’m a mum, wife, daughter, reluctant housewife, marketing and communications executive, writer, proofreader, blogger, serial winner of 25-words-or-less competitions, former recovering chocoholic, pianist and geek.
Exhale. Inhale. There you have it. That’s the short version.
I’m a neat freak who hates cleaning. A descriptive linguist who hates apostrophe abuse. A career woman who never dreamed she’d still be at home with her children six months two years six years after first giving birth. A stay-at-home-mum who couldn’t quite make it to seven years before returning to the corporate world.
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.
I’m fun, funny (although you’ll be laughing at me, not with me) and prone to injuring myself. I never leave the house without my glasses, a notepad, a pen and a pair of crutches. Just in case.
Welcome to my home. As good as, anyway. emhawkerblog is the bloggy home where I tuck my thoughts in to bed.
In August 2011, this blog began as You learn something new every day, and that’s exactly what it was about. Every day, I selected a lesson I’d learnt, wrote a post, and hit publish.
But as I’ve grown and evolved, so has the blog. So in December 2014, it moved here, to emhawkerblog.
At emhawkerblog, you’ll find some regular features. You’ll find book reviews for children and grown-ups (and for those who identify as both). You’ll find toddler music group programs, funny games of our invention and other ideas for entertaining young children. You’ll also regularly find topical news rants in the form of song rewrites, practical tips for writing and editing, family anecdotes and snippets of the more interesting writing work I do.
Anything else? Probably. Most definitely. emhawkerblog is about whatever’s on my mind. Please join me and share what’s on yours, too!
Not enough? Want to know more about me? What would you like to know? Take your pick!
You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and even hear some (pitchy) singing on YouTube.
You can read all about my personal goals and my focus for 2016. You can read about the judgement I’ve faced for ‘abandoning’ my career, and why any judgement is unnecessary when I’m my worst critic.
You can read about why I write, and how I go about combatting writer’s block.
You can even read (a little bit) about my health issues, (and why I support causes like DonateLife Week, National Stroke Week and Kidney Health Australia).
And if you’re after something a bit lighter, you can read about how accident-prone I am, why I quit chocolate (again), and why I participate in #everydaystyle even though I’m clearly #notafashionblogger (although my daughter may become a stylist).
Or you can read one of my top four all-time favourite posts:
– You’re doing grief wrong
– We didn’t start the mummy wars
– Magic
– The plural of octopus is… (my second ever post!)