Ashleigh: I'm baking a cake!Me: Are you?Ashleigh: YES! But ssshhhh. It's a secret. I'm not going to tell you.Me: Oh, okay.Ashleigh: (whispering) Mummy, it's a chocolate secret.My oldest child is three. There are no secrets in our house.She ...
Archives for October 2013
There are 152 flowers in front of our neighbour's house.At least, there were a week ago.Ashleigh and I counted them. Every single one.We also counted the petals. Not on each and every flower - my patience was present in record-breaking amounts ...
Neighbours: the good, the bad and the thoughtless
Neighbours. Everybody needs good neighbours. I heard that somewhere.We have some lovely neighbours. We have some not so lovely neighbours. And we have everything in between. The good, the bad and the thoughtless. The complete cast, soap-opera ...
Isn’t it ironic?
Ah, Alanis Morissette. Almost twenty years after you released your hit song Ironic, people are still debating it. Are the examples ironic? If not, isn't the fact that a song titled Ironic doesn't use ironic examples in fact the best example ...
Five signs your child is self weaning
Breastfeeding mums, welcome! Do I have a special treat for you! You can throw away your baby books, your breastfeeding guides and your feeding manuals. I have the answers! Yes indeedy-do, that's right, step right up, you heard it here first, ...
Children’s book review – October
It's back! Last month's impromptu book review post was well received, so here it is again.We've been back to the library, and now have four more titles to tell you about.----Andrew Drew and Drew / Barney SaltzbergImage sourceThis book is so ...
Breastfeeding – the lesser known pros and cons
Breastfeeding pros and cons? YAWN.I know, right? Been there, done that. Many, MANY times before.There are the usual suspects. It's better for bub. It's better for mum. You can't forget to pack the food. Germ-fighting. Calorie-burning. Bonding. Fluffy ...
Why my three-year-old likes you
You're wearing the same shoes as her.You have fun hair.You let her style your hair.Your favourite colour is purple.You also like yellow. And red. And orange. And blue. And green. And brown. And black.You're fun.You tell stories.You tell ...
Book review – The Shining Girls and The Fault in Our Stars
I am lucky to be a part of the best book club in (online) town, The Pink Fibro Book Club facebook group, hosted by the wonderful Allison Tait.Every month, we read a book. And every month, we talk about it. And, every month, the opinions are as ...