In fact, I'd argue that it's so commonplace these days that most people won't bat an eyelid at this post's title.But you should (for now). 'Verb' is a noun. The Macquarie Fifth Edition Dictionary lists it as a noun, with 'verbal' ...
Roses are red, violets are… violet
I've never given it much thought. Roses are red, violets are blue, and if you don't like it, nuts to you!But they're not. Violets are quite clearly, obviously, violet. In fact, the word for the colour was taken from the word for the ...
The plural of octopus is…
I am a word nut. I love words. I live for words. I'm not too proud to say that I'm quite proud of my knowledge of many things linguistic. Etymology included. So I used to tell anyone and everyone who'd listen that the plural of octopus, given that ...