My not-so-little girl recently turned five, and received lots of music and lots of books for her birthday. Today, I'm reviewing something that is both. --- Don't Call Me a Koala Bear (& Other Aussie Songs) / Don Spencer and Michelle ...
Muddled-up Farm – Mike Dumbleton and Jobi Murphy (book review)
Welcome to another Friday and another children's book review! We spent quite a bit of time at my extended family's farm during January and December. Since we've returned, the kids have been asking for more farm stories. Here's one of our ...
The Best Australian Poems 2014 – edited by Geoff Page (book review)
I spent some time at the beach this summer, and had a fantastic time. I'm not usually one for the sand and the waves and the sand and the sun and the SAND OH MY GOODNESS SAND EVERYWHERE, but we really did have a fantastic time. Before we went to ...
Reading aloud to your children
There are things you do as a parent because you think you're supposed to do them. And there are things you do because you enjoy doing them. For me, reading aloud to (and with) my children is one of those things that falls into both of these ...
10 things about me
1. I love chocolate. (There, I finally said it!)2. My favourite book is April Fool's Day. (Have you read it?)3. I play the piano and I like to sing.4. I really hate losing. At ANYTHING.5. That's why I don't really like Pictionary.I also ...
Things that made me cry this month
A big spell of sleeplessness.Another big spell of sleeplessness.Accepting that sleeplessness may just be my life now.The book The Green Mile.The book Under the Dome (I'm extremely late to the Stephen King party).My husband sustaining a back injury.My ...